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Summer Event in Coalville Park

Don Bailey

To help celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Coalville Park, North West Leicestershire District Council organised a weekend of fun activities over the weekend of 29th-30th June 2024. The Coalville Belvoir Rotary Club was invited to attend the event on the Sunday afternoon, and as having attended similar events in previous years, we jumped at the chance to have a presence.

Although we were limited in the number of members able to attend due to a clash with another Rotary event, we had a very successful afternoon, even with the weather being far from ideal, and England playing football in the early evening. We had several activities under our gazebo, the most popular being the Adult Tombola and the Kids Tombola, but people were also having a go at the Find the Key and Guess the Number of Sweets games, plus the ever-popular hook a duck game for the kids.

We had queues to participate in the Tombola games, and before the afternoon had finished, we had been relieved of all the prizes from both. Included in Kids Tombola was a lovely Sweet Hamper, kindly donated by Webbs Sweets from Coalville, which we allocate the number 125 in celebration of the park's anniversary. We also like to thank Mander Cruickshanks for donating the prize for Guess the Number of Sweets. Although nobody guessed the exact number of sweets, one person was only one out from the actual number, i.e. 142.

At the end of the afternoon, we were astounded to have raised over £500 from the various activities described which we will use to support local charities and organisations. A massive thank you to all the people that came along to our stall and participated in the activities, for without your support, we would not be able to contribute to supporting our ultimate benificaries.

Below are some photos that were taken during the day.



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